Virtual-Fields for entities

The virtual property of the @Field decorator can be used as below:

import { Entity, Id, Field, ManyToMany } from 'nukak/entity'; import { raw } from 'nukak/util'; @Entity() export class Item { @Id() id?: number; @Field() name?: string; @ManyToMany({ entity: () => Tag, through: () => ItemTag, cascade: true }) tags?: Tag[]; @Field({ /** * `virtual` property allows defining the value for a non-persistent field, * such value might be a scalar or a (`raw`) function. Virtual-fields can * be used in `$project`, and `$filter` as a common field whose value is * replaced at runtime. */ virtual: raw(({ escapedPrefix, dialect }) => { const query = dialect.count( ItemTag, { $filter: { itemId: raw(`${escapedPrefix}${dialect.escapeId('id')}`), }, }, { autoPrefix: true } ); return `(${query})`; }), }) tagsCount?: number; } @Entity() export class Tag { @Field() name?: string; @ManyToMany({ entity: () => Item, mappedBy: (item) => item.tags }) items?: Item[]; @Field({ virtual: raw(({ escapedPrefix, dialect }) => { /** * `virtual` property allows defining the value for a non-persistent field, * such value might be a scalar or a (`raw`) function. Virtual-fields can * be used in `$project`, and `$filter` as a common field whose value is * replaced at runtime. */ const query = dialect.count( ItemTag, { $filter: { tagId: raw(`${escapedPrefix}${dialect.escapeId('id')}`), }, }, { autoPrefix: true } ); return `(${query})`; }), }) itemsCount?: number; } @Entity() export class ItemTag { @Id() id?: number; @Field({ reference: () => Item }) itemId?: number; @Field({ reference: () => Tag }) tagId?: number; }


If we project the tagsCount virtual-column:

await querier.findMany(Item, { $project: ['id', 'tagsCount'] });

That ▲ code will generate this ▼ SQL:

SELECT `id`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ItemTag` WHERE `ItemTag`.`itemId` = `id`) `tagsCount` FROM `Item`


If we $filter by the tagsCount virtual-column:

await querier.findMany( Item, { $project: ['id'], $filter: { tagsCount: { $gte: 10 }, }, } );

That ▲ code will generate this ▼ SQL:

SELECT `id` FROM `Item` WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) `count` FROM `ItemTag` WHERE `ItemTag`.`itemId` = `id`) >= 10